If you've experienced a bad course, you know how painful it can be to ride it.

Whether your setting up a show, or you're just practicing at home.

Learn the Secrets to Nail Your Next Course Design

  • 20+ Course Design Tips
  • Case studies
  • Learn to Think Like a Course Designer

Recognize course problems, before you ride them.

And have more fun!

If you or your friends will ride your course, you don't want to miss this...

The potential success or failure of each horse and rider, physically and emotionally, is tied to the layout of the course. You will find useful tips that can make sure the course only has challenges you intended.

If you are a show official, you will want this...

You don't want your Judges or riders to have a bad experience from avoidable course design problems.
Instead, you can help make sure horses and riders compete equally on courses appropriate for their level.

If you are a Judge, you'll love this too.

Share the link for this page to your show and clinic organizers.
This will make it easier and more fun for you to do your job of classifying the riders.

If you are a Judge, you will love this.
Share the link for this page to your show and clinic organizers (and let me know if you have tips I missed).
This will make it easier and more fun for you to do your job of classifying the riders.

If you are a show official, you will want this..
You don't want your Judges or riders to have a bad experience from avoidable course design problems.
Instead, you can help make sure horses and riders compete equally on courses appropriate for their level.

If you or your friends will ride your course, you don't want to miss this.
The potential success or failure of each horse and rider, physically and emotionally, is tied to the layout of the course. 
You will find useful tips that can make sure the course only has challenges you intended.

Here's what's waiting for you inside!

  • Course design tips collection that can be used as a checklist so your courses always ride well.
  • 'Must Know' info to design courses so riders and horses feel successful after riding and Judges can more easily classify them.
  • Critical guidelines to insure fairness for all riders of your courses.
  • Includes bonus multi-map case study that helps riders and course designers recognize what works, and what doesn't.
  • And bonus Think Like a Course Designer recording with more tips for riders, volunteers, show officials and Judges

See you on the inside. 

Trish Hyatt 

Nicole Chastain Price

So agree with what Trish says!

“At the lower levels, when you do start to break up the bull line by adding in other obstacles, consider that the rider will now be going one handed not two.

We are trying to set up a course that demonstrates their control, and scored like it's dressage. Asking them to ride bending lines, when they can't even do them correctly two-handed, is not contributing to the progressive development of the horse.”

I always say, our beginning levels of Intro and Novice need to be working on solid basics, building partnerships and confidence without sacrificing connection.
Nicole Chastain Price

International Coach and Clinician
National and International Top 10 Competitor
Technical Delegate,  WEDU Judge (retired) and 

Creator of online programs for Working Equitation