'More Forward' & 'Up-Transitions'

Is your horse sluggish or lazy and you want to solve It without being mean? Here's what you need to know!

Order Summary

    'More Forward' & 'Up-Transitions' $37 USD
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    $37 USD

    The Key To Unlocking Your Horse's Bend

    Add this course if you'd like to teach your horse to flex equally left and right, both from the ground and ridden. Most horses don't and if you can't get the flexion, you won't get the bend.

    $19 USD


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        If you're ready:
        - To stop being tired
         - To quit feeling mean
        - To lightly apply your leg and have your horse immediately spring forward and maintain the pace and gate you require.

        Then sign up and get started right now!

        Trish Hyatt