The must have skills you need to master so your horse can bend and stay balanced.

The Single Slalom, Bend & Balance course

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    Single Slalom, Bend & Balance $97 USD
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    $97 USD

    The Key To Unlocking Your Horse's Bend

    Lateral Flexion at the poll/atlas joint is the most commonly missed part of bend. You need it, before the rest of the spine. If you don't already have it, I recommend adding this course to teach it first. It includes both a groundwork and a ridden lesson for lateral flexion.

    $19 USD


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        Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized.Thank you!!

        Kris Blacklock


        This week far exceeded any expectations. I connected so many dots in what was missing from several years of lessons. Incredibly grateful to you, Trish, for the time & dedication you’ve given to us.

        Deanna Durst

        But Trish, Why are there two prices?

        I have been talking alot about the Key To Unlocking Your Horse's Bend workshop and it really is the key. But many of you also had further concerns that are addressed in the Single Slalom Bend & Balance course that this workshop is a part of. I wanted to make that available to you as well. More details are down below. If not interested, that's okay, the workshop is an important first step that will already begin to make a big difference for you.

        (this workshop is included in the full  course)

        Groundwork Exercise

        Whether it's the cold of winter or the heat of summer, take a few minutes each day to use this diagnostic tool that prepares your horse to bend with correct flexion.

        Ridden Exercise

        The ridden exercise builds on the groundwork to help you unlock your horse's resistance to bending in motion. And it's the first step to solving bend related deviations.

        Supportive Community

        You need to implement. Join the week-long pop-up group on Facebook where I'll answer questions to help you teach the lessons to your horse.

        Clarity & recordings

        Gain a solid understanding of the difference between lateral flexion and bend, and why you need both. Includes one years access to the workshop recording and materials.

        The live workshop is over but the recording has been uploaded to the platform.
        The Live community is included and available from now until Dec 7th for your questions.  


        • the #1 thing to keep in mind when your horse resists bending (it will become a habit with practice).
        • The '5 minute fix' before you even get on (so you don't start your ride with resistance).
        • The one thing you must have before you try to fix bend problems (or they won't be successful).
        • BONUS: step-by-step lessons you can use to make sure you practice right.
        • BONUS: a 7-day Facebook Implementation Group where you can ask questions that come up as you practice with your horse

        We will islolate the head from the neck at the poll/atlas joint for lateral flexion without bend, which is required before bend.

        Most horses do not have this in one direction and they fake it with excess neck bend and head twist.

        When a horse bends in the body without the correct lateral flexion, there will be resistance, and the inside hind leg can't come through.

        1. Enter your payment info and click the button. This will register you for the course  where you will find the replay and lesson materials after the workshop.

        2. Watch your inbox for your confirmation email, which will include details on how to access the replay and course materials.

        3. Go to the lesson platform and look for the recording with the exercises.
          Quite a few people mentioned specific bend issues that I address in the

        Things like...

        • I’ve got the neck, but bend from body, not so great
        • My mare falls in on the circle in a right bend, wanting to turn right rather than bend right. The issue does not exist to the left. 
        • I have difficulty maintaining a rhythmic gait as I transition from bend to straight to bend again.
        • My issues about bend changes is mostly doing it in the right place?
        • I hear 'more bend' but I can see the eye... Love to know what they want. 
        • Since I show, the bending issue for me is showing the change without losing connection or hurried steps.
        Why the Single Slalom?

        • We'll use a single slalom (3-5 poles) because horses and riders of any level can participate and develop. It's a deceptively easy obstacle, that's difficult to do well.
        • We'll use it as a diagnostic tool and measuring device. That, and the exercises, will teach you a lot about what your horse needs and allow you to judge your progress.
        • And with our pop-up community we can discuss your issue if it hasn't been covered.
        • If you would like to add that to your order you will get The Key To Unlock Your Horse's Bend workshop and pop-up community (Nov 30th-Dec 7th), AND all the lessons included in the Single Slalom Bend & Balance course.
        • And I will include a two week bonus implementation group for the Single Slalom Bend & Balance course as well from Dec 8th-21st. Access to this course will be available on December 8th, after the Bend workshop is complete.

        I'm Ready...